Fulton County, Indiana
Fulton County is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.
Our Partners
Our Partners and how they assist:
Fulton County Government-
Provides funding for part-time office staff, insurance, postage, copier and dues. This comes through the Commissioners and Council.
Fulton County Farm Service Agency -
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) administers farm commodities, crop insurance, and conservation programs for farmers. It also makes farm loans through a network of state and county offices. FSA programs are primarily directed at agricultural producers or, in the case of loans, at those with farming experience. The majority of FSA employees work with producing farms that keep a crop history by making an annual report of planted acres to the FSA county office. The Fulton County Farm Service Agency is managed by Jeff Smith. The local FSA administers many agricultural programs that are beneficial to Fulton County farmers and farm land. Pictured left to right: Janelle Koch, Jeff Smith, and Jessica Kantzer. The Fulton County FSA office is located at 1252 East 100 South, Rochester, IN 46975. (574) 223-3220 ext. 2. To visit the ISDA FSA website,
Click Here: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/FSA/webapp?area=home&subject=landing&topic=landing
Natural Resource Conservation service (NRCS)-
The USDA-NRCS provides us with expert assistance in the agricultural and technical area. We share office space, equipment and communication on local and state farm issues.
Your local NRCS Conservationist is Dan Rosswurm. His office is located at 1252 East 100 South, Rochester, IN. (574) 223-3220 ext 3. To visit the Indiana NRCS website,
Click Here: http://www.in.nrcs.usda.gov/
Purdue Cooperative Extension-
Through our local Cooperative Extension Agent we receive assistance with workshops, field days, and educational programs and activities in our schools. Purdue Extension - Fulton County office is located at the Fulton County Fairgrounds, 1009 W. Third Street , Rochester, IN. To visit the Fulton County Estension office web,
Click Here: http://www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/fulton/pages/default.aspx
ISDA, Division of Soil Conservation-
The State Soil Conservation Board provides guidance, training, assistance and funding to the SWCD, including the Clean Water Indiana funding. Our Resource Specialist, Chris Gardner, is co-located in the SWCD office. To visit the ISDA, Division of Soil Conservation website,
Click Here: http://www.in.gov/isda/2343.htm
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)-
The Nature Conservancy partners with the Fulton County SWCD for field days, workshops and promoting the CREP program to landowners in the Tippecanoe River Watershed. To visit The Nature Conservancy website,
Click Here: http://www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/indiana/