Fulton County, Indiana
Fulton County is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.
Road Cut General Guidelines
Road Cut General Guidelines
1. Saw cut trench width plus 6 inches on each side.
2. Bed in underground device with #8 crushed gravel in 1 foot lifts.
3. 12 inches of #73 (gravel or limestone) compacted to within finished asphalt grade.
4. If existing asphalt road is 4 inches or more, restore using #8 Binder HAC to within 1 1/2 inches to top of existing blacktop and roll and compact to finish. Finish with #11 HAC surface to be matched into existing pavement.
5. If existing asphalt road is less than 4 inches, restore road bed with 2 1/2 inches #8 HAC Binder to within 1 1/2 inches of existing top of road and finish with #11 HAC surface to be matched into existing pavement.
6. Road cuts must be approved by Fulton County Highway Department with a waiver.
7. Application must provide traffic control during road cut.