Fulton County, Indiana

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Sales Disclosures

The Department of Local Government Finance (“Department”) has revised the Sales Disclosure Form effective January 1, 2023. The revisions are the culmination of nearly two (2) years of work by an ad hoc committee comprised of representatives from the Department, the Indiana County Assessor’s Association, the Indiana Land Title Association, the Indiana Realtor’s Association, the Indiana State Bar Association, and a property tax assessment vendor.

As part of the revision process, the Department also updated 50 IAC 26, with the final rule adopted on July 2, 2020, and the revised rule containing the updated Sales Disclosure Form file specifications becoming effective on January 1, 2023.

The Sales Disclosure Form (“SDF”) remains a tool primarily intended to capture sales data so that assessors can develop trending factors used in the annual adjustment process. The revisions are intended to help obtain better and more complete information. One of the more significant revisions is the creation of a separate addendum for Agricultural or Residential property, as well as an addendum for Commercial or Industrial property. The intent in creating a separate addendum for the property classes is to streamline the filing process as well as assisting the assessing official to identify the property being conveyed.

Form 46021

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