Fulton County, Indiana
Fulton County is focused on creating a prosperous future while preserving our history.
County Commissioners
Welcome to the Fulton County Commissioner's Office.
The three commissioners are the custodians of the home rule powers of the county. Counties have 3 commissioners, one from each district in the county. Within the scope of home rule, commissioners may adopt and vest themselves with additional regulatory powers. Specifically, all commissioners have authority to pass ordinances in the following broad areas:
- Controlling, maintaining, and supervising county property including courthouses, jails, and public offices.
- Supervising construction and maintenance of roads, bridges and to provide for traffic control.
- Developing economic development programs to attracts and retain jobs in the county.
- To grant vacation pay, sick leave, paid holidays and other similar benefits to county employees.
- To administer elections in conjunction with the county election board.
- To establish minimum housing standards.
- Auditing and authorizing payments on behalf of the county.
- To incorporate new towns and alter township boundary lines, on petition.
- Receiving bids and authorizing contracts.
- Exercising appointive powers including both the selection of members to fill positions on boards, commissions, and committees, and appointments of certain department heads.
- Planning and implementing strategies for solid waste handling as members of solid waste district boards.
- To create local emergency management department and to authorize and direct disaster and emergency management functions in the county.
A prospective Commissioner must reside in a certain district but be elected by a majority vote of the county. Each of the three Commissioners is elected by the voters in his own district. Commissioner districts must be redrawn at least once every 10 years, and may be redrawn in any odd-numbered year.
The terms of office of County Commissioners are four years on a staggered basis.
For more information on our services provided, please contact our office.
President |
Bryan Lewis | 574-223-4764 | blewis@co.fulton.in.us |
Vice President | Rick Ranstead | 574-223-5618 | rranstead@co.fulton.in.us |
Commissioner | Dave Sommers | 574-223-5324 | dsommers@co.fulton.in.us |
Minutes are not finalized until being approved by the appropriate body and will
be posted subsequent approval.